Sunday 19 January 2014


3 Tools to Reveal Who's Hacking your WiFi

While using your home WiFi internet access you might face some slow downs of speed, this may be due to a normal internet down time or (if it persists for a long time) your wifi may be got hacked by a nearby hacker. There are many ways to protect your home Wi-Fi from being hacked, such as using a custom & hard to guess password or also changing the encryption type of the wireless key to WPA or WPA2 as they are meant to be more secure but not perfect against hackers. As we've seen there's a way to Hack WPA/WPA2 Passwords using PIN vulnerabilitythat means even if you think your WiFi is protected with WPA/WPA2 encryption doesn't mean it cannot be hacked.

3 Tools to Reveal Who's Hacking Your WiFi

 1. Wireless Network Watcher 

Wireless Network Watcher programmed by Nirsoft, it helps you analyzing nearby computers connected to the same network (WiFi or Local network). It will analyze and list: Local IP address of the hacker, Computer/Device name, MAC address & other useful info.

2. Who's On My WiFi

Who's on my WiFi is an very easy to use tool that will provide many information about the locally connected hackers on your WiFi home network.

3. NetCut

The famous internet cutter can also be used to analyze who's taking your internet connection after hacking your wifi. Netcut helps you also cut down internet access to connected users even if they know the wifi password, which also helps you protecting yourself from others using netcut.


About Anoop

Anoop Kaushal is the founder of Pc TiPs AnD TriCkS. He is a computer geek. Who likes to find vulnerabilities Doing Hacking , Programming , Blogging , editing , cracking , web Designing , Animation and more.You can follow me on Facebook or you can connect with me on Twitter @AnoopKaushal, Follow me on Google Plus




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